Sunday, May 25, 2008

Calling the Authorities

We spent the day at Grandpa Gary's pool and Jason and I thought the babies were ready for their first swim. We had them all decked out in their swim-diapers and ready to go, but surprisingly the pool water was still on the chilly side (of course that didn't slow JR down who spent 6 hours in the pool today). Kyle was first to test out the waters and he started crying the second Jason put him in. He's used to the warm spa bath water at home and wasn't interested in the cold pool water at all. I was sitting on the side holding Reed and Jason tried putting Kyle in again. This time he let out a squeal that let us know he had no interest in cooling off in the pool. Of course none of the grandparents like to hear their grandbabies cry, so Gary hollered at Jason, "You get that baby out of that cold water right now or I'm calling the S.P.C.A. on you!" Yeah, that sounds about right, Hunter wants to call C.P.S. because we made him sleep in the barn, and Jason's dad is turning us in to the S.P.C.A. for taking our baby swimming.


Anonymous said...

Your problem was with the "swim diapers". Those babies should have been wearing their big robes with hoods. Maw-maw

Me Me Me said...

Awww poor babies! Are you trying to freeze 'em??!!! :p