Monday, May 19, 2008

Going Postal

JR's Ayi always sends him packages that we have to sign for. Since we have a gate, our mail-lady leaves a note in our mailbox and I have to go down to the post office to pick them up. First, I would like to tell all of you who don't know....there are other places besides the post office to buy stamps. Why in the world do people stand in line for twenty minutes to buy a pack of stamps? Do they have nothing better to do? Have they stopped by for decorating ideas since they find the color combination of grey and beige irresistible? People, there are wonderful little places with names like Postal Plus, Post Place, and Copy and Mail Center and there's one in just about every shopping center. There's never a line, and they can do anything a post office can do...except give me my JR packages! Needless to say, I hate the post office. One time I was second to next in line and JR had to go to the bathroom. I actually sent him off with a random woman and her son because I didn't want to lose my place in the line...I rationalized that I truly had no choice, I had been waiting for 30 minutes! I really believe the people behind the counter think to themselves, "Hummm, the line is out the door and around the building; I think this is a perfect opportunity to take my 4th break of the morning. I should also make sure everybody else working here is moving as slowly as possible.
We received a note Thursday that JR had a package waiting for him at the post office. Since the packages are sent to "J.R. Ingersoll" and the post office people demand you show them ID before they will even attempt to look for them, Jason can't go and pick them up. But guess whose middle name does start with "R"? Oh, lucky me. So Friday we were off to the post office. I must have picked a good day because there were only 5 people in line in front of me (2 of which bought stamps). I give the lady my note, showed my ID, and off she went. At this point JR is now jumping up and down saying, "Where's my package, When is my package coming? How much longer? I want my package." I knew it was a bad sign when after about 5 minutes had passed she came back to ask me if our address was a business. About 5 minutes after that she comes back and tells me, "I can't find it, sign here and your postman will drop it in your mailbox." I then nicely explained to her, "No, I can't sign there because it clearly says here that if this certain box is checked (which it is) I must show up in person to claim the package. If I could sign this and leave it in my mailbox I certainly would have done that." I guess all her searching for the package had cut into her break time, because she then snatched the card out of my hand and screamed, "NO! You can't sign it!" I wanted to say, "Um yeah, I just told you that." But I kept my mouth shut. She then dismissively tells me, "We'll look for it, when we find it, your postman will deliver it." I'm thinking, okay, they can't find it now, so how is it just going to miraculously appear? This package is JR's birthday present from his Ayi, there's lots of stuff in it, and she's spent a lot of her money buying things for him and shipping it here. I want to make sure he gets it. So I say, "What if you can't find it? Then what do I do." And now here's the kicker, the woman actually says to me, loudly and rudely like I'm an idiot for asking the question:
"How am I supposed to know? I just work here."
Are you kidding me? Now 7 years ago I would have said, "oh, okay" and slunk out of the post office hoping not to cause a scene. Well, after being married to Jason for 7 years, I've learned a thing or two about causing a scene and I was 100 percent sure that her comment required a scene. While reading the scene below please remember that JR is jumping up and down screaming "Where's my package?" "They can't find it!" and the ever so dramatic, "Ohhhh Nooooo! They can't find my paaaaaackage!"

Jan's Post Office Scene:

Me: "Exactly, you just work here. That's why I'm asking you!" "I can't believe you just said 'you just work here' who am I supposed to ask if I don't ask you?"
Post Office Employee: (read with attitude) "Miss, you're just going to have to talk to my supervisor."
Me: "Well, go get them. I'd LOVE to talk to your supervisor"
Me to people in line behind me: "Can you believe she just said that to me? She 'just works here'. Of course she just works here. Who else am I supposed to ask?"
(People behind me don't give the appropriate amount of eye rolling and hysteria over her comment so I turn to JR.)
Me: "JR, can you believe she just said that to me? Who else am I supposed to ask?"
JR: "They can't find my paaaaackage?! What are we going to do-who-who?"
Old Lady at the End of the Line: "What's going on? Did I miss some excitement?"
Me: "She 'just works here', how dare I ever ask her a question?"

By this time the supervisor arrives, and of course the first thing I tell her is that her employees can't give me an answer because 'they just work here'. About that time I see our mail-lady who waves at me and tells me that she remembers the package and she will find it and deliver it. They give me a piece of paper to sign and try to shoo me out the door without anymore incident. But, BTW, I got a note in my mailbox today that they can't find the package and to call the supervisor....I feel a scene coming on.....


Anonymous said...

I hate to say this, but Jason had to be soooooo proud of you. I feel the need for prayer following you to the post office the next time you go - will that be today when JR gets home from school, I will be sure to keep it in mind!!! Maybe you could catch your mail lady and just ride back to the post office with her, she sounds safe. Poor JR, that is a cruel thing to do to someone who is anticipating his birthday present from his best friend in the whole world.

Be cautious, can people behind the counter "go postal" or does it have to come from somewhere in the line that is wrapped out the door and around the building.

Granny S.

Anonymous said...

What a dilemma. I can just see JR's eyebrows. Thank goodness the Lovelady p.o. isn't like that.

Kristi said...

Yeah - I was at the post office yesterday and stood in line FOREVER to mail a small package. While about 15 people poured into the un-air-conditioned post office, two of the three employees left to go on their breaks. I always buy my stamps at the bank in Wal-Mart or at the register at HEB.

Kristi said...

BTW - hope JR gets his package soon!

Anonymous said...

that was such an accurate description of just about 99% of the POs in this're my hero for not backing down!

hope JR gets the package AND has a fantastic birthday! ;o) t.