Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Vocabulary Workshop Part 2

Last night JR brought his dessert to the table and said, "Look, Mommy, I've got 3 Manilla Vanillas!" (That would be Vanilla Wafers.) I had to laugh at him, then make him say it about 3 more times since I thought it was so funny. With JR being half Chinese, he certainly has an interesting way of talking. Lately he's adopted some sort of Madonna-esk fake British accent when he says "Yes", Noooo", and "Actually". I had him tested for speech problems this past year at school and they said he was fine. But really, the poor child was watching High School Musical in Chinese last night, he's bound to have some speech issues. (BTW, he thinks the name of High School Musical is really "The High School Musical Kids".) What really cracks us up is that JR has given things certain names and you can't convince him that those aren't their real names. I guess he gets that from his Daddy and his Paw-Paw, they love to make up new names for things...and people! Being that he's 5, I know I only have a little time left to enjoy the cuteness of his language skills, so I've put together a little to test to see if you can figure out what JR is talking about. This is more words he's completely made up than words he says wrong like "crown" (crayon), "schwimming", and "Buzz Light-lear".

1. Ayi Sauce
2. The Hook
3. Purple Juice
4. The Bad Kid Show
5. The Telican Restaurant

1. Ayi Sauce- That would be soy sauce. His Ayi in China put it on everything he ate. He still wants to put it on everything he eats and asks for it daily.
2. The Hook- The Incredible Hulk. No matter how many times I've told him his name is "The Hulk" he corrects me and says, "No, it's The Hook!"
3. Purple Juice- This is the WalMart brand clear, flavored water. The flavor he likes has a purple top. Where the word "juice" came from I have no idea. If I make the mistake of calling it "purple water" he immediately says, "No, purple juice."
4. The Bad Kid Show. This is an easy one if you are one of my loyal blog readers...Jon and Kate Plus 8
5. The Telican Restaurant -Okay, this one took me forever to figure out. He's actually trying to say "the Italian restaurant".

And I'm also including a video so you can hear him for yourself.


Anonymous said...

Thank you JR for the language lesson. I had 3 guessed - I don't know if that means I have been talking to JR too much or if I have the vocabulary skills of a 5 year old. Either way - Telican Restaurant totally baffled me and The Hook took some thinking, but it did come to me.
We are all now speaking JRish!!!

Anonymous said...

OOOOHHH..I enlarged JR's batman pix and it is movie=star cute. From one who knows cute and is certainly not prejudice.

Me Me Me said...

It's not called Telican food? ;)
I remembered Purple juice from last week!!!