Wednesday, August 20, 2008

And The Bees Stayed On The Wall...

He did it. He had a great first day. Isn't he cute in his school uniform? Since he's Bridge Class they only have to wear them on special occasions, but starting next year he'll wear a uniform every day. He started the day off really excited and trying his best to do everything right. This morning I said, "JR, it's a special day. Do you want chocolate milk with breakfast?" He said, "No, I need to be healthy today." In which case I should have replied: 'Great, here's every fruit and vegetable that exists. You've never touched one of them...get to eating.' But, I certainly wasn't going to push my luck on a day like today. JR was happy as could be when we dropped him off, so Jason and I went to the first day of school convocation and then made a pass through the first day of school coffee. If you're a 2nd Baptist parent and you saw a mom with a baby strapped to her in a Snuggi and carrying another baby on her hip...Hi, that would be me. I was panicked the rest of the morning about what stunts JR could pull in the 3 1/2 hours of the first day. Would it be a repeat of last year? Would the teacher call me with a list of offenses? Here's an excerpt from last year's first day of school phone call from the teacher.

Me (after I'd been listening to a synopsis of JR's behavior) : I'm so sorry. You know, we just moved back from Beijing, and he's still adjusting to being an American, and he had a nanny there, and he's an only child, and the only grandchild of only children, and he's....
Teacher(interrupting my list of excuses): You know, he pulled all the bees off the wall.
Me: Excuse me?
Teacher: He pulled all the bees off the wall. Outside the classroom. I had written all the children's names on individual bees so they would know which classroom they were in. JR jerked them all off the wall and threw them on the ground.

But this year...I got a smile AND a wave from the teacher, no phone call, and JR had a green dot (that means he was good) in his folder. Praise the Lord....The bees stayed on the wall!


Anonymous said...

A great big A+ for JR. I think "And the Bees Stayed on the Wall" would make a good book title. Maw-maw

Anonymous said...

Great Day JR, that brings a sigh of relief from Grandmas and Grandpas too - I guess that means you have been "Americanized" and now that you are not an only child any longer, it is for certain, Mom would have had to come up with a whole new list of reasons for unacceptable behavior and we are so happy she didn't have to do that - keep the green dots coming, big guy!!! You are mighty handsome in your new uniform.


Kristi said...

JR, you look so great in your school uniform! I'm glad to hear that you had a FANTASTIC first day of school. Hope there are many more to come!