Friday, August 21, 2009

Conversations With Harry

Harry: Jane? (I'm used to it, I've learned it's next to impossible for any non native English speaker to say "Jan".)
Harry: I have a question for you.
Me: Okay.
Harry: Why are all Americans so fat?
Me: Well, we like to eat.
Harry: No. Chinese like to eat too.
Me: But our food tastes good, so we eat a lot of it, and it's fattening.
Harry: But Chinese food tastes good, and I think it is just as fattening as American food.
Me: Yeah, but we eat a lot of fast food, and the Chinese don't.
Harry: But the young Chinese like fast food,they eat it a lot, and they aren't fat.
(Seeing that I'm not going to win with this argument, I switch gears.)
Me: But Americans don't get as much exercise as Chinese. Most Chinese walk or ride a bicycle to work, and we drive our cars everywhere.
Harry: But Americans like sports.
Me: Well, Americans like to watch sports.
Harry: My dad says you shouldn't say people are 'fat', you should call them 'overweight'.
Me: (laughing) Well, Chinese people used to tell me I was fat all the time, but in America you shouldn't tell somebody they're fat.
Harry: You should tell them they're 'overweight'?
Me: No, you should tell them that either. It's not polite to tell somebody they're fat or overweight. You can think it, but you shouldn't tell them.
Harry: So you and Jason are considered skinny in America?
Me: (laughing again, knowing he doesn't think so) Well, I don't think we're considered fat.

A little while later we went to Sonic for lunch. Harry ordered a double meat double cheese hamburger with fries. As he was eating, I pointed to his hamburger and said, "Harry, that's why Americans are fat."


Anonymous said...

That's funny, Jane. MR

Anonymous said...

Funny story, Jane, you handled it well. After Jason's proud weight loss, you were probably wise in suggesting he didn't voice that "fat" opinion to anyone else.

Kristi said...

I'm soooo calling you Jane from now on.

Anonymous said...

I can use this in class, Jane?

Mendi said...

IT'S SO TRUE!!! The Chinese are so forthcoming about weight! In the silk market they kept yelling to my sister-in-law that they had clothes for "big girls!" Or maybe it was to both of us now that I think about it. ;)

Jan said...

Lu, Jane would be upset if you didn't use it in class! I need to make more of an apperance in class than the blueberry muffins. ;-)