Thursday, August 20, 2009


I was talking to my mom today and she said, "So, what are the babies doing?" Nonchalantly I said, "Oh, they're taking a shower." I finally got fed up with all the bathtub tears, and now they're happy as can be. They'd play in here all day if I let them...

Sometimes they like to close the door...

After the shower portion it's time for (what I think is) their true favorite part...making a lap around the house naked.
Of course, Kyle has to accessorize first...I guess one houseshoe is better than none when it's naked dump truck pushing time.


Anonymous said...

My favorite "pin up" guys. Maw-Maw

Granny S said...

I see Mr. January and Mr. February comin' up. I am pre-ordering my calendar.

Anonymous said...

No fear! I think all little boys like to parade around "nekkid".

Mendi said...

They are so yummy! Nothin' but cute in those birthday suits!