Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Conversations With Harry 3

(A bit of background information before I begin: Harry's dad, Johnasen, was working in Zimbabwe when Harry was born. They didn't know if Harry was going to be a boy or a girl, so before Johansen left China they decided they would name the baby "Jin Wei", which is Chinese for "Zimbabwe". Which is what Harry's real name is: Jin Wei.)

I volunteered in JR's room at school on Monday, so last night at dinner we were talking about some of the kids in JR's class. During the conversation, I mentioned something about a little girl named, Nevada.

Harry: NEVADA?!
Me: Yes, there's a cute little girl in JR's room named Nevada.
Harry: Isn't that a state?
Me: Yes.
Harry: Why would she have a state as a name?
Jason: I guess the same reason somebody would have a a name!
Harry: Huh?
Jason: (laughing) Um, I know you think you're an American, but your name is Jin Wei...Zimbabwe.
Harry: Oh, you mean my Chinese name.
Jason: Yeah, your real name.

1 comment:

GS said...

Reality is just not the same thing in all cases it appears - it depends on which side of the fence you are one I guess. Love it when you post your conversations - I can see the look on everyones faces and I too get a laugh.