Monday, August 9, 2010

Even More Flora

Since Durangoans like things to be "local", and I showed you Denver flowers yesterday, I figure I better get with the program and give the local flora some airtime.
I don't drive to the north side of town very often, so I was shocked how beautiful the front of Serious Texas BBQ looked. (And if you're thinking, didn't you just go to Serious Texas BBQ the other day? Why, yes. Yes I did. But even though I live in a town without a Target, I do live in a town with 2 Serious Texas BBQs. I know. I've learned not to ask questions anymore.) Anyway, after I dropped JR off to catch the bus to mountain camp, I made the babies jump out and pose for pictures. Here's the best one I got. And though they weren't in the mood for picture posing, look how pretty their background is.

Here's what every other picture I took looked like. Kyle spotted some motorcycles coming down the road. And then some big trucks...

Finally he just started screaming out "car! car!". You can tell Reed was trying really hard to pose, but those motorcycles, trucks, and cars were just too tempting to look at!


Friedt Family said...

I love the last one, he totally looks like he's got the two little men (angel/devil) on his shoulder....the devil saying "Hey, look over there, it's SO cool" and the angel saying "But mommy asked us real nice to smile for the picture and we should listen to her" Too cute!!

GS said...

Oh my, that side glance that Reed is giving shows some serious efforts put into not paying attention to Kyle and being into the 'Cheese Please' for the camera. The foreground and background of those pictures is far beyond precious. Great on-the-spot photography, Mom!