Thursday, August 12, 2010

In Case You were Wondering

It takes an hour and twenty minutes for Kyle to ride his (battery powered) motorcycle (as seen here) to the mailbox and back. Now in all honesty, I can't actually confirm this statistic, it was given to me by Jason.

Also, Bigwheels aren't exactly easy to ride tandem. I was so proud of Reed when he invited Kyle to ride with him that I was really hoping it would work. They went backwards much better than forward....but that might have something to do with the downhill nature of our driveway.


Unknown said...

I am still impressed they keep the hats and sunglasses on. Just how do you do that? Bribery? Super Glue? I must know your secret!

Friedt Family said...

Teamwork, love it!

GS said...

AWHHHH! What a great brother is that!