Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Ice Cream Screaming Update

Remember these?

I really hadn't given them much thought (guess I was trying to block them from my tastebuds' memory).  But for some reason I thought about them last night, and decided to see if I could find out who won.  Now, of course, JR didn't win. But I am guessing they gave all the kids that entered a "prize" since, according to the newspaper, JR "won" Most Creative Design. 

And why the quotation marks for the words 'prize' and 'won'?
Well, he didn't actually win anything, nor did anybody even tell us he'd won.  (Not that I expect and/or want a prize, I still feel like we owe the people that had to taste these things an apology.)

This morning I told JR of his winning and he was beyond excited. 

JR: You mean I won the whole thing?! I won first place?!
Me: No, you won Most Creative Design.
JR: What do I get?! What do I win?!
Me: I don't know. We'll just have to see.

Guess you can figure out how I'll be spending my afternoon...
I really do need to stock up on glitter and construction paper for emergency "award" situations such as this.


GS said...

A HUGE congrats to JR and his assistant. JR, your name in lights in the Durango Heraold, what an honor!!!! If you weren't such a avid fan of the local paper, you would never have known.

leiamarie82 said...

Classic! One of my friends made those for her daughter's birthday party, and they turned out fine. Maybe you forgot an ingredient??? Either way, congrats on the big win!

Friedt Family said...

You now have a celebrity in the house....good luck with the award creation:-)