Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Completing the Trilogy

I figured I'd just go with the Walmart trifecta today since I have another story.

One day last week (or the week before, I can't remember) we walked in Walmart when Kyle started screaming "Bear! Bear! Big Bear!"

Thinking he saw a stuffed bear on a shelf, I said, "Oh, a bear? Where do you see a bear?"
But he was already running down the aisle.
Now if you're one of those observant people, you may be thinking, "Jan, how did you take that picture when I can see you pushing the cart behind the kids?"  (Yes, that's me back there.)

Well, besides a giant Coke bear, there was also Walmart paparazzi present.

 Why does Walmart staff their own paparazzi?
I have no idea.
Why was the giant Coke polar bear hanging in the Durango Walmart at 9:00 AM on a weekday?
No idea.

I am, however, thrilled to see that even my cellphone pictures are better quality than this sad bunch taken by "professionals".

1 comment:

GS said...

AWHHH - bet that hug from Kyle and Reed was the best part of that bears day!!! Quality may leave some to be desired, but still precious pictures.