Wednesday, November 3, 2010

That's Entertainment

So what do Kyle and Reed do while I'm busy decorating for Christmas?
(Besides "help".)

They play Wii with the extension cords.  Best I can tell, Extension Cord Wii has an awesome Tom and Jerry game.

They also ride around in their car. 
Reed is the driver (no surprise there), and they go "running and to WalMart".
Guess that shows you how exciting my life is!


Anonymous said...

They say the boxes make the best toys. Those two have always had very good imaginations. MR

Unknown said...

Hey, my kids have played with a hot water heater box and a dry erase board for a week. No worries about the extension cord Wii.

leiamarie82 said...

Oooohhh! Extension cord Wii--what a great game!