Sunday, January 9, 2011

Liberace Without the Fashion Sense

As I was getting JR dressed for his first piano recital this afternoon he said, "I don't like this shirt."
Me: Well, just be happy I'm not making you wear a tie.
JR: You could buy me one of those T-shirts that look like a tuxedo!

And with that comment, Little Liberace (sans sequins, fur, or tuxedo T-shirt) was off to his piano debut.

I have to admit I teared up a few times, and JR couldn't wipe the smile off his face.

(I'm still not used to my new Christmas present camera. I walked out of the house with the camera, but forgot to bring the lens.  I'm so sad since these could have been great pictures!)

You might remember that JR's request for playing the piano was that he wanted to "take lessons from a boy teacher". 
Well, here's his boy teacher, Ryan. (JR calls him 'Mr. Ryan' and adores him!)
So now you can see why I blurted out, "Wow, you're tall!" the first time I met him.

We attended a rockin' after-party...
Cause ya know, that's how all the serious musicians roll.


GS said...

So proud of you JR, just wish I could have heard it. I love the shirt tails hanging out under the sweater - JR's version of wearing tails for the occasion.

Jo said...

I think a tuxedo shirt would have been perfect for Durango, and I love the party food. Way to go JR.

Anonymous said...

A very handsome JR! WIsh I could have been there to hear it.
Way to go!

Joseph said...

wait.... are you saying liberace HAD a fashion sense?