Monday, February 28, 2011

Princesses Need OSHA Too

This past Friday night I was a greeter/princess/hostess at a Daddy/Daughter dance at church.
I had on a bright yellow dress (I was supposed to look like "happiness") and found some fun legging/tights that matched perfectly at Clarie's. 

Now, as great as Clarie's is for finding the perfect princess accessories, they're really meant for the tween and under crowd. 
Luckily, I'm the same height as a tween...I'm just not the same body type.
So while I could get a size small (the only size they had) on my body, they really didn't fit well.
At all.

In fact, after awhile, I found myself walking straddle-legged and decided it was time to intervene before I was in the middle of a serious wardrobe malfunction.

I headed out a back door where an area had been blocked off to do a quick readjustment.
As I was about to open the door to go back in the dance, a teenage couple was headed out the door at the same time.

I guess the girl was super excited to be going wherever it was they were headed, because she flung the door open with so much gusto that when the door handle hit me in the hip, I literally doubled over.
Now I know I'm dramatic, but this wasn't the time or place for that.  And I was really trying to keep it together.
But it hurt so bad, tears came to my eyes. 

And now, 3 days later, it's still sore and looks like this.

So my safety moment of the day is:

If you encounter a teenage girl wanting to spend some time with her "man"...
Get out of the way....FAST!


GS said...

All I can say is OUCH - that looks awful!!! Where is the picture of you in your happiness outfit, before the wreck, of course.

Anonymous said...

My stars and garters! That was NOT a "happy" situation. MR

Jill said...

Ow! I'd really like you to post a picture of the princess happiness if you please. Leggings and all! Sorry about the bruise. Looks painful!

Angie Vik said...

Owie! I hope the girl had the decency to apologize.

Kimberly Beach said...

At least you weren't caught with your pants down! I'm so sorry. But I'm so glad you were Happiness! Thanks for your help!