Monday, April 4, 2011

I Stapled Myself

Sadly, today is another in a series of non-witty titles ('A la: A Post about Soil) where I'm straight-up telling you what the post is about.

Yepers.  I stapled myself today.

I just assumed since I hadn't used the stapler in awhile, it must be out of staples.
But since a stapler isn't a cell phone, (and staples don't leave in the middle of the night like a cell phone charge) there were, in fact, staples already in the stapler.

And while trying to load a fully stocked stapler, I somehow stapled my thumb.

And it hurt.

And I was stapled deep enough I had to pull it out.
And it hurt.  Like made me get the chills hurt.
Sorry for the blurry picture...must have been the chills!

My mother-in-law (who's here visiting) actually volunteered to drive me to Urgent Care.
Bless her heart.
My mom would have said the same thing. 


Anonymous said...

You had the paper cut , now the stapler shot, so please don't run with scissors. MR

Unknown said...
