Friday, June 24, 2011

Fashion Fabulous Friday

Last week he was covered in dirt, and this week....
He looks more like the Kyle we know and love.

(Not that he's given up 'dirt biking', that's still a fan favorite around here.)

And it's not that Kyle is so stylish this week, as much as it is his new toy.
He specifically asked if he could have the "Barbie Happy Meal".
 And really, he's 3, I'm totally fine with it.
Now I know this isn't a Barbie, but I don't have any girls, so I have no idea what kind of doll this is.
Kyle calls her "Dora Barbie".  (I'm guessing because of her black hair.)

But no matter who she is, she is quite fashion fabulous in those pink pants and blue scarf.

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