Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I'll Get Phone Calls For This One

Fair Warning: This is one of those posts I'm writing mainly so I won't forget the things I find funny that the kids say/do.

Kyle was insistent that he needed to sleep with his Bible. (He is such a good Baptist.)

I humored him, and he then showed me how "Maw-Maw dos it when she's looking for her glasses."  (Yes, I meant to write 'dos').
I had to run get my camera and have him reenact since this cracked me up. I've watched my mom rest her books open on her stomach my entire life.

I then asked him if he was going to read his Bible or just sleep with it.

Kyle: I'm going to read it to Jesus. (The Baptists are loving him.)

Me: You are?

Kyle: Yeah, I know all the funny parts. (Oops, the Baptists are getting a little concerned.)

Me: The funny parts of The Bible? I can't wait to hear this.

Kyle: ("Reading" from The Bible) If you take a mouse to school.

...And there's my phone ringing with the Baptists inviting us to Prayer Meetin'!


Anonymous said...

That sweet baby. He knows his books. I'm laughing my head off. MR

Friedt Family said...

Well, he's at least attempting to read the Bible....that has to count for something??:-)

GS said...

You go Kyle,keep reading those funny parts - God has a great sense of humor.