Monday, March 12, 2012

Not My Buddy!

Oh lucky me.
Reed GOT to bring Buddy Bear home with him this weekend.
Apparently, Buddy Bear is the classroom bear who invites himself over to spend the weekend.


I just love trying to keep up with a bear that has more costuming options that me.

(This is the outfit Reed picked out from the backpack of choices.)

Knowing if anybody could lose/tear-up/destroy not only the bear's wardrobe, but the bear itself, it was my three...I mainly just tried to make sure Buddy Bear was hidden for the weekend.

Along with getting to take care of Buddy, Reed was to also draw a picture of something fun Buddy did with him.

Now, I'm here to tell you that Buddy did nothing fun at our house,
(I promise, it was for his own safety.)
but I figured "saying" Buddy and Daisy played together was as good as anything.

So long, Buddy Bear.
No need to hurry back.

Except that you will...

Being that I've got another kid in the exact. same. class.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was funny. Reed did a good job drawing his picture. When it's Kyle's turn, he'll make Buddy wear every "outfit". MR