Sunday, July 22, 2012

Rush Out and Get This Right Now

When we were in Texas and on the Blue Bell Ice Cream tour, we learned that Blue Bell will sell some of their seasonal ice creams during the month of July.

Our guide specifically mentioned that Christmas Cookies was such a popular flavor it was one of the ones coming out.

JR and I literally did a happy dance since we were convinced it would be one of the flavors we could choose from at the end of the tour.

To our disappointment, it was not one of the flavors.

But, then, walking through the frozen food aisle here in suburban Denver, the heavens parted and the hallelujah chorus began.

What did our eyes behold?

Praise the Lord...Christmas Cookies in July!

All Blue Bell flavors are good, but I'd say Christmas Cookies is in their top three.
I know; It's a bold statement.

It's that good.

1 comment:

Lori said...

You and I are alike in our love for Blue Bell ice cream. I always stop by the Blue Bell section to see what new flavors are out. Our church was having a Christmas in July themed Sunday last week so I volunteered to bring and serve Blue Bell's Christmas Cookies in July in between services. It was a hit! I felt like Blue Bell handing out samples...I should have called them and told them I did a promotion for them! I really wish I was famous because I would gladly be Blue Bell spokesperson!