Friday, October 26, 2012

Fashion Fabulous Friday

We still don't have our "real" Halloween costumes figured out yet.  The kids change their minds every five seconds, so I won't be purchasing anything until the absolute last minute.
(Which still doesn't guarantee they won't change their minds.)

JR had two Halloween parties last Saturday, so it was off to the prop closet to figure out what he could be. 
I got the 70's gym-shorts idea from my friend, Caroline.  When I remembered we had an afro wig, I figured JR could go as Jackie Moon (Will Ferrell's character in Semi Pro). 
Of course JR has never seen Semi Pro, but he knows Will Ferrell from Elf, so he was all for it. 
-Jason's white socks
-JR's old shorts (that are now Kyle and Reed's) size 2T  (It pays to be crazy skinny.)
-Flint Tropics logo printed off the Internet and glued to a grey T-shirt
-Afro wig
-Sweat band from the Color Run turned inside out.
Total Cost: $0
Reed (with only 1 Halloween party to attend) went through the prop closet and spotted a Santa Claus hat.  He decided he would be an elf.
-Santa hat
-Red T-shirt
-Cat in the Hat costume bow tie
-Yellow belt from last year's Popeye costume
Red pajama bottoms.
Total Cost: $0
Kyle decided he would wear JR's old Power Rangers costume, and though he stifled my creativity, it couldn't have been easier.
His only request was some face paint.


Anonymous said...

Couldn't be cuter. Total price: Priceless!! MR

Angie Vik said...

Very fun and clever. I like them all but my favorite was the elf.