Monday, May 20, 2013

I Thought I was Cooler than I am

Lots of the PreK moms also have 3rd graders.  They were discussing how excited their daughters were that they were chaperoning the upcoming field trip. 
One of the daughters even cried because there were too many chaperons and her mom couldn't go; she begged her mom to come anyway.
After all these encouraging stories, I just knew JR was going to be thrilled I had asked Granny Sherry to babysit so I could chaperon.
I told JR the exciting news, and was waiting for the jumps and cheers when he said,
"Um, don't sit by me on the bus, okay? Or at lunch."
When the morning of the field trip rolled around, JR looked at me and said,
 "You're not going to wear that, are you?" (I was wearing a maxi dress.)
Despite my son's "jubilation" over my presence, we did manage to have a good time at the Denver museum.  JR's teacher apologized for putting me with an all boy group, to which I replied, "No's just like being at home."
My group

And despite his stern warnings, I was, in fact, allowed to eat lunch with him. 
Where they spent most of their time feeding the very-use-to-field-trip-kids-with-lunches squirrel.
(He was a big fan of Cheese Nips.)

1 comment:

Angie Vik said...

Sigh. Kids have a way of breaking our hearts. My son went through the not wanting to be seen with his mother stage. When I dropped him and his friend off for eighth grade summer camp, he immediately tried to ditch me. I explained that all the other campers had mothers and the kids hadn't parachuted to camp out of airplanes. Their parents had dropped them off too. He's long outgrown that phase. Your son will too.