Monday, July 15, 2013

It Was a 'Rocky Road'

Poor Jason.
He's been everywhere in the world, yet he'd never gone on the Blue Bell ice cream factory tour.
(Jan 2: Jason 0)

You'd think something like this wouldn't be an issue but, alas, it's been a sore spot in Jason's travel catalog.
The Blue Bell tour is closed on weekends, so the Friday after 4th of July was our only chance to go.
Ours, and everyone else in the state of Texas.
We arrived in Brenham around lunch time, and Blue Bell was so crowded the police were out directing traffic. Luckily, we were able to sign up for the 2:35 tour (yep, tours go every 5 minutes) and we later learned they sold out of tours for the day 15 minutes after we reserved ours.
(Clearly, we Texans really love our Blue Bell.)
After a fried chicken lunch in Brenham (yum!), Jason was able to say he's been on the Blue Bell tour.
Look at Jason. He's finally made it!

JR pointing out where our Denver stash of Blue Bell comes from.

1 comment:

Angie Vik said...

Yay for ice cream tours. It's important to know where one's food comes from.