Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Reed will Make Sure You are Appreciated

So it looks like saving all JR's projects for Kyle might be a waste of time since Reed's going to be doing all Kyle's work anyway.
It's teacher appreciation week, and Reed drew the most beautiful picture of his teacher. 
(His teacher is Asian, so she has that awesome Asian hair.) 
Reed drew her with gorgeous flowing black locks and side swept bangs.
Big full lips and long eyelashes.
He then surrounded her with hearts and flowers.  She looks like something out of Disney cartoon.
(I can't believe I forgot to take a picture of it!) 
I told Reed, "Don't fold it so it will look smooth when she's frames it."  Reed asked how did I know she's frame it. "Um, because if anybody drew me with hair like that, I'd frame it!"
Reed then drew a picture of his P.E. coach (because he really likes him) and when he was finished with all that, started worrying that Kyle was watching Spy Kids and not drawing pictures.
Reed was so concerned that Kyle's teacher wasn't going to get a picture of herself from Kyle that he took it upon himself to do it. 
He said, "Should I draw it like Kyle would draw it?" 
I told him no, Kyle's teacher would know Kyle didn't do it no matter what he did.
Here's what he came up with for Kyle's teacher. Cracks me up.

Kyle definitely scored the best twin ever!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That Reed is the PERFECT student! He has gotten good at drawing hair. MR