Tuesday, June 21, 2016

JR Drop Off

We dropped JR off at Camp Olympia for 3 weeks on Sunday. 

 I'm not allowed to decorate the car windows anymore because there are teeny, tiny specks left over from last year that won't come off. So shoe polishing car windows has been banded for life in our house because, well, we live with Jason. 

Which meant I really had to improvise.  
The theme this summer is "Capture the Memories" so that's a camera I made that JR is holding.

Kyle and Reed were furious that we weren't dropping them off as well.  I think 3 weeks would just be too long for Reed (who insists that it wouldn't be) and the 2 weeks they'll start this coming Sunday will be plenty.  

All the returning counselors were super excited to see all the Ingersolls, and even brought Kyle and Reed in the chow hall to see that their talent show picture from last year was on the wall.

JR couldn't have rushed us out of his cabin any faster.
He was thrilled to be there.

And is obviously already having fun.  

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