Friday, March 24, 2023

Pics and a New Baby

I think I forgot to mention that Jason and I actually bought a steer at Kyle's FFA auction. I had no idea Jason was planning on buying an animal or I would have worn a cuter outfit! In fact, the first I heard of us buying anything was when I started hearing our name called out by the auctioneer.  We just our buyer plaque this week, so here we are with our purchase. 

And when your friends buy your kid's pig and ask you to be in the picture with them, you get in the picture with them.  So we're actually in Kyle's buyer plaque too! 

And speaking of animals.  They had 2 new baby sheep and a baby goat born at the ag barn.  Just look how precious this little baby goat is.  I'm so glad Kyle sent this video of him petting it so I could see it. It looks like a puppy! 

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