Friday, October 29, 2021

Go 'Stros

 These two both got to go to the World Series because of their jobs.

Of course one of them had good seats, and the other didn't even have a seat.  But at least he was in the building...which is more than I can say for me!  

Monday, October 25, 2021

My Pumpkins

 My little pumpkins carved their own pumpkin this weekend. 

 Of course it's so hot we have to keep in inside so the whole thing doesn't turn to mush. 

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

The Good Pictures

 We had another football game last night, which was not so good, but at least I got the good pictures from his last game!

Edit: I was strongly told that the "waving" pictures below are him signaling that he made a touchdown.  I profusely apologize for being a girl that doesn't watch sports, and having no earthly idea that's what he was doing. 

The face you make when you know you've caught the pass! 

A wave to the adoring fans

Still waving


Monday, October 18, 2021

Texas Trio

 The people in this house who love to fish (so not JR or me) went to Matagorda for the weekend for a fishing trip. 

They caught red fish 



Sheep's head

And Jason caught a big alligator gar.

Here are all the keepers. 

Kyle was excited with his Texas Trio (founder, red fish, trout) and was happy to compare it to Jason's Texas Trio from many (many) years ago. 

Thursday, October 14, 2021


 MawMaw and Granny Sherry have just celebrated and are about to celebrate the same milestone birthday within a month of each other.  So we took them on a little birthday celebration trip to Fredericksburg for the weekend. 

We stayed in a very cute house right off Main Street

with the biggest tree of its species in the state of Texas.

We hit all the shops in town.

And figured out Kyle and Reed have grown up a bit since the last time they went to Fredericksburg. 

Kyle and Reed were able to sneak off and do some fishing.

And Jason and I were able to sneak off and try and make JR think we'd gone to Luckenbach.

Not that JR cared since he left Friday morning going to ACL and rolled in Monday afternoon.  This is the only appropriate picture he sent me the whole weekend. 

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Big and Little

 I forgot I had this picture of Big and Little Jason and I just love it! 

Saturday, October 9, 2021

A Bit of Luck

 This kid finally lucked out with his teeth.  After having 8 teeth pulled, the adult teeth have grown in and the orthodontist said "no braces".  

Actually he said, "if you want absolutely perfect teeth, then you can put him in braces, but if you just want to fix this one tooth that is turning, we can put him in a retainer."

So a retainer it is!

Reed about to find out "no braces".   

And here he is with his retainer on his bottom teeth.  You have to really, really look for it to see it when we smiles. 

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Another Little Pumpkin

 Chloe was able to schedule some time in her busy schedule

to go get her hair done. 

And she knows she's the cutest little pumpkin there ever was.

Showing off her side bow.

And her dramatic full body modeling pose. 

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Early Decorator

 I couldn't figure out what Kyle was doing up so early on Saturday morning, but then I remembered, it was October.

He had all the blowups put out by 9 am. 

But unfortunately, by midafternoon the snake was flat on the ground, and it's motor was kaput. 

Thanks to 1 day delivery, a new blowup arrived Sunday afternoon, and all is well.  Our yard blow up game is still going strong.

 And I do love that we now have a pumpkin theme going. 

Monday, October 4, 2021

Last HoCo

 It's been a week (for many reasons) that we won't soon forget around here. 

JR was nominated for homecoming king

And he got congratulatory cakes and cookies sent to the house

He didn't win, but he got to hang out with last year's queen.

And he and his date both looked so pretty!