Sunday, January 31, 2021

Kyle Update

The pool time that Kyle gets on Saturdays is from 8-10, which means he has to leave the house at 7:00!  Poor thing gets up earlier on Saturdays than he does on school days.  

But thanks to the body pillow Jason gave me for Christmas, we've figured out how to make the back of the car as comfortable as possible so he can get a few extra z's on the way.  

And since we (parents) aren't allowed to go inside, and I'm the same height as a middle school child,  I usually find myself catching a few extra z's on Saturday mornings too. 

Here are a few recent videos.

Friday, January 29, 2021

JR Update

 If this is was a normal year, we'd be having the big spring musical right now with JR playing the part of Sir Harry in Once Upon a Mattress. (The part he wanted.) But that has been pushed back until May (hopefully), so JR is staying busy working.  

He's also been practicing for their UIL show Eurydice. He's playing the part of Orpheus.  If you're familiar with Eurydice, Orpheus and Eurydice are so in love that after she dies he goes to the underworld to try and bring her home.  (Honestly I figured he'd get the part of the devil since he auditioned doing his best Mick Jagger impersonation.)  But Orpheus is a big music lover, and JR gets to play some of his original music on his guitar, so I think it will be a good part for him. 

Because of The Rona, all the kids have to wear masks for the entire show and they can't even touch each other.  I'm not sure if we even get to go see it, I'm guessing not. 

Friday, January 22, 2021

Flying High

 Kyle is trucking along with this diving.  There aren't any meets, and he isn't getting as much time at the pool as before, but they are making due with what they have.

I'm not allowed to go in, so I don't ever get to video him, but it's nice when the kids video each other so I get to see what he's working on.

It definitely looks like he's about to touch the ceiling! 

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

A Chilly Celebration

 Kyle and Reed celebrated their birthday with their friends over the weekend.  We found a fun restaurant that included the outdoors, fire (it was cold), and swings for chairs.  What more could you want? 

You know it's a Texas sized chair when you can fit 9 13 year old boys on it. 

Jason and I also had fun since we found ourselves a table inside.  Away from the kids and the cold. 
It was a win-win for everybody!

Monday, January 18, 2021

Basketball Season

 Reed had his first school basketball game on Thursday.  They only get to have 5 games, and we only get 2 tickets to each game.  

They won 50-9 (they turned the scoreboard off at halftime).  I asked Reed if they were that good or the other team was that bad, and I think it was a little of both.

Reed is #12

He shoots

He scores!

And he let me take a picture after the game.

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Giant Twinkie

 Kyle got a giant Twinkie baking kit for Christmas. It was one of the best and funniest presents I've ever seen. 

 Kyle and Jason made it the other night, and the ingredients for a giant Twinkie are about as ridiculous as you'd expect.  I think there were 3 cups of heavy whipping cream and something like 6 eggs!

But it came out beautifully, and we have more than enough white cream center filling left over to last us few days (or weeks).

I made them put their glasses back on for this picture.  Kyle had already taken out his contacts, and Jason needed his readers so I wanted a picture of what they actually looked like making it! 

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Cheers to 13

 The boys toasted to their 13 years with left over NYE sparkling apple cider

And a yummy cookie cake

They wanted to go eat crawfish for their birthday dinner (I can't think of anything worse!)

No thank you! 

We still need to celebrate with their friends, which we'll do soon.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

A House Full of Teenagers

 Kyle and Reed turn 13 today, which officially means I have a house full of teenagers (until May when I'll have a child that's a legal adult).

I say this all the time, and I'm sure I've said it on here a million times, but Kyle and Reed are the easiest kids on the planet.  They have been able to do anything and everything since I can remember, and pretty much just raise themselves. 

They make my mom job so easy, and it is so fun to just get to sit back and enjoy them. 

Monday, January 4, 2021

Gummy Bears are the Secret Weapon

 I bought gingerbread houses for the boys to make before Christmas, but with everybody having to "study" for finals time just got away from us, so they actually wound up making them between Christmas and New Years.

Like everything in this house, decorating turned in to a contest and I asked Facebook to choose a winner.

People must really love gummy bears, because that seemed to be the overwhelming reason for the win.

Which means this kid was the winner.

Friday, January 1, 2021

Welcome 2021

 Kyle entered 2021 backwards...maybe that will turn everything everything back around!