Sunday, September 30, 2018

No Need to Debate

JR is on the speech and debate team this year.  I'm more excited about this than anything else he's doing this year since I used to do tournaments way back in the day.

This weekend his school hosted a tournament (you can't compete in your own tournament) so JR spent Friday night and all day Saturday working.  I also had to judge...which as you know was like throwing the rabbit in the briar patch.

I judged a round of humorous interpretation, and 3 different debates.

Reed even came to "help" me judge one of the debates.  
(We agreed on the winner.)

Friday, September 28, 2018

Auction Video

I'm not technically involved in the elementary school auction this year, but you know I always have to help somehow.

This year I was asked to promote one of the raffle items they have.

We made this video in about 2 minutes.  As you can see, Reed definitely has some JR in him when it comes to acting. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Choir Notes

So besides getting a date to homecoming this weekend, JR also auditioned for district choir.
(I had to drop him off at 6:45 on Saturday morning. Ugh!)

 We were all excited to learn that he made it.

Cool Breeze won't let me take many pictures of him these days, but I was able to sneak this one the other night since Daisy was with him. 

Monday, September 24, 2018


It's been a big weekend around here, and yesterday JR did his homecoming "proposal".

My instructions given to me by JR were "she's on the golf team; make it good."

I think Pinterest and I did pretty good.

Dylan did his proposal too.

And then a pack of girls ran out of the house.
It was very cute, and very squealy.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

First of Many

JR had his first of (what I believe will be) many high school choir concerts last night. 

It was really for the parents to check out their choir uniforms, but they sang two songs (here they are doing the school song) so I'm calling that a concert. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2018


While we were enjoying Colorado, the kids were here in Houston.

I don't think they missed us at all since Granny Sherry took them to Dave and Busters.

And this was just the tip of the iceberg  of all the "awesome" stuff they came home with from their "winnings". 

Monday, September 17, 2018

Yellow Leaves

Jason and I were in Breckenridge this weekend.  The weather was absolutely perfect and beautiful. 

And as always happens when you have too much fun, you never get pictures.

I did get a few pictures of how pretty the leaves look. 

And I got one picture of us with Scott and Debbie (the reason we have too much fun). 

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Puppy Love

We love a new puppy around here so much we can hardly stand it.

So when Sean got a new puppy this weekend, I told his mom, Wendy, that the only way I would let her pick Reed up to play was if their new puppy came too!

Meet 8 week old, Lolly Rose 

Oh my cuteness! 

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Just Fine

Before you get upset that Kyle and Reed weren't at the A&M game, they chose not to go.

They spent the evening with Granny Sherry, and as you can see, were doing just fine. 

Monday, September 10, 2018

He "Didn't Hate It"

Jason, JR, Jason's friend, Jay (who set Jason and me up, btw) and I went to the Clemson/A&M game on Saturday.

JR has had a deep hatred of all things A&M for awhile now and only wanted to go because he is a big Clemson fan. 

But going to College Station with 2 Aggies tends to sway young minds, and after JR's trip he "doesn't hate A&M anymore."  (He was even rooting for them at the game...something I've never been able to bring myself to do.)

After the tour of all the places the guys lived, we ate at Layne's Chicken Fingers.

Then it was off to the Dixie Chicken, which is where I think he really got swayed. 

He even wanted a T-shirt! 

The game was fun, but it also helped that we had some fancy pants club level seats. 

And though I don't think A&M will ever be JR's first choice, it's nice to have him "not hate it" anymore.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Duck, Duck, Not Goose

Kyle and I were super excited to bump in to a group of very tame ducks. 

They were not nearly as impressed with us since we didn't have any food for them. 

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Def Leppard!

I can now say I have seen all my favorite 80's hair bands in concert.

I know it's shocking, but I had never seen Def Leppard live, and I wasn't about to miss them this time.

I'm not sure if you'd call my outfit a costume or not, but my hat was definitely me trying to be both J.Lo and Steven Tyler. 

I had the best time and saw tons of people I knew, but I only got a few pictures.  

Monday, September 3, 2018

Hamster Funeral

Reed's hamster, Tickle, died this weekend. 
Jason and Reed buried her and we had a short service.

Reed played Amazing Grace on his recorder, which was so very sweet.
But as you can see by the smile on Jason's face, somebody in the family might have gotten the giggles at the funeral.

I just couldn't help it, Reed does such a legit good job on Amazing Grace it just made me crack up that we were having such a nice service for a hamster.

Rest in Peace, Tickle.