Friday, January 29, 2021

JR Update

 If this is was a normal year, we'd be having the big spring musical right now with JR playing the part of Sir Harry in Once Upon a Mattress. (The part he wanted.) But that has been pushed back until May (hopefully), so JR is staying busy working.  

He's also been practicing for their UIL show Eurydice. He's playing the part of Orpheus.  If you're familiar with Eurydice, Orpheus and Eurydice are so in love that after she dies he goes to the underworld to try and bring her home.  (Honestly I figured he'd get the part of the devil since he auditioned doing his best Mick Jagger impersonation.)  But Orpheus is a big music lover, and JR gets to play some of his original music on his guitar, so I think it will be a good part for him. 

Because of The Rona, all the kids have to wear masks for the entire show and they can't even touch each other.  I'm not sure if we even get to go see it, I'm guessing not. 

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