Tuesday, September 15, 2020

How to Win at Tennis

If you're wondering how to make it to the finals of a tennis tournament here's what I'd suggest:

Quit playing tennis in February to concentrate on baseball.  Then when baseball gets shut down after 4 games, don't do any kind of physical activity except swim with your friends everyday and hike when you're on vacation. 

When you find out on Wednesday there's a tennis tournament you want to play in on Saturday, call up one of your tennis friends and have him hit balls with you on the Friday evening before the tournament.

 Show up to your tournament, beat everyone, and make it to the finals where you play a freshman in high school that's on the JV team.  

You might not be able to beat the big kid, but you can come very, very close.

Congratulations to Reed who took runner up on Saturday. 

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