Wednesday, January 12, 2022

A Week In Update

 A week ago today Jason had Achille's tendon surgery.  I guess Jason and I are trying to see who can have the most foot problems/ foot surgeries...and as much as I hate to lose anything, I'm going to give it to him, he definitely wins.

He's been in constant pain and limping for about a year.  He's been putting the surgery off because the recovery is so awful, but he finally bit the bullet and did it.

The surgery was only about 45 minutes, but when the surgeon came out he told me Jason had a "huge" bone spur.  I said, "Oh, so it was really big?" And he said, "It was huge.  It covered his entire Achille's tendon down to his ankle."  Well, that would certainly explain all his pain.

We got him home, and of course, Chloe has made it all about herself. 

But Jason is doing great.  He's not in pain, and he's back in the office looking like this.

He has to be non-weight bearing, so he'll be on his scooter for 4 weeks, and then hopefully he can go in to a boot for the 4 weeks after that.  

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