Saturday, July 16, 2022

Bad Guy/Good Guy

Reed's hamster, Stewart, escaped...again. 

We had been out of town so we weren't sure when he escaped or how long he'd been gone.

In the middle of the night of the discovered escape, Jason got up to go to the bathroom and Stewart ran across his foot and into my closet.  

(I mean. Can you imagine if that had happened to me?! I would die.)

I'm not sure why this hamster wants to be in my closet...which is nowhere near Reed's room.

I screamed for Reed, waking him out of a dead sleep, and sat in the living room until Stewart was found...which was in my most expensive bag in my closet...of course. 

So here's a tribute to Hammy the hamster who stays in his cage, doesn't escape, or upset me in the middle of the night. 

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