Friday, July 21, 2023

Chipmunk Buffet

 We used to go each summer and feed the chipmunks. They would eat out of our hands, and it was awesome. But, like everything fun, they put a stop to it by putting up barriers so you can't get down to the chipmunks to feed them. 

So I decided to open up my own chipmunk buffet at my house.

And let me tell you, they are happy I'm open for business. 

When I started I would only have to refill their bowl every few days. Now these little piggies are cleaning out a bowl in an hour. 

And they're rude about it too! When they're finished they throw their bowl over  (Chloe does the same when her bowl at home is empty).

I guess I've attracted the squirrels too because we had a very serious Chloe vs squirrel situation the other day.  All I could think about was Christmas Vacation and this squirrel flying right into my face.

After this video she climbed up the hot tub stairs in an effort to leap off the porch and into the tree. 

I've run out of sunflower seeds so I'm now feeding everybody leftover crackers.  We'll see if those work or if I'm going to have to go buy more seeds. 

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