Monday, November 2, 2020

Halloween 2020

 Halloween 2020 wasn't nearly as scary as the rest of the year has been.

 Kyle wore Reed's cactus costume from last year, he said most people thought he was Covid, so he said he just went with it.  Reed wore a hazmat suit I found cleaning out the high school theatre storage locker.

Speaking of costumes I found in the theatre storage locker, I also found this robe to which another mom and I screamed "Cobra Kai!" as soon as we saw it.  I brought it home to Jason so I'd have my very own Johnny Laurence.

JR decided to be Burt Reynolds.  He said that nobody knew he was, but that he looked good, so that was all the mattered. 

 Our neighborhood probably had about half the trick-or-treaters we normally do.  Jason, Chloe, and I sat in the driveway and passed out candy.  I wore cat ears, so I guess I was a cat.

 Chloe guarded the trick or treat table and barked at dogs wearing costumes.

Which really wore her out!

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