Thursday, November 19, 2020


 I'm not sure why Nashville is called Nashvegas because it's not like Vegas at all, it's a million times better.

Even with all the stupid covid restrictions like closing everything at 11 (because you can only get covid after 11) and no dancing (because covid knows if you're shaking your bootie) we had an amazing time! 

I can't wait to go back and take JR! 

We got off the plane and went straight to Jason Aldean's restaurant. 

The whole reason we went on the trip was to go to the White Limonene the Dolly Parton inspired bar, which is on the rooftop of a hotel  We got all the way over to it and they told us the bar was shut down because of covid, but that they didn't put that on the website because they didn't want people to stop staying at the hotel.  So Minnie Pearl in the hotel lobby was as close to Dolly as I got.

So instead, we did other Nashville getting our pictures made with the famous wings

And visiting Jessie James Decker's store

We ran in to John Michael Montgomery's son who invited us to hear him play at a bar since his new album was dropping that night.  We decided later that John Michael Montgomery was famous enough that his son probably didn't need to scour the streets looking for people to come hear him play, but we looked it up, and bless his heart, it really was him.

We did a good job of taking pictures on day 1

Day 2 we went to the Country Music Hall of Fame.  I could have spent all day in there! 

And we rode scooters around town

That night we went to Kid Rock's bar.  Which I will say, has the best nachos I've ever eaten! 


Our last day we had the best time seeing the city on a tour bus.

And then we went and listened to live music, all of which were amazing enough to be on the radio right now.

We couldn't have had more fun, and it was so great to get out and be almost normal before they lock us all up again. 

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