Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Mad Kids

The whole house was furious that we didn't have school Monday (teacher workday).
Kyle and Reed were mad because they love school, and it was art day, and they were going to miss art.
They were treating me like I was the reason they didn't have school.
Believe me, I get it. I was just as upset as they were about no school!
JR was mad because I asked him to take out the trash and clean up his room.
I know. Slave driver.
After gymnastics class I tried to appease them with a craft.
It certainly wasn't the awesomeness of art class, but we now have a shark and a kitten hanging in the window.

They also went to get flu shots.
Which turned into getting the flu mist because Walgreens was out of shots.
So then they got to complain about not getting a shot.
Who does that?

Things took a turn for the better when they got to play hockey.
Kyle was goalie and actually blocked a shot while doing the splits, and Reed scored two goals.
And where was JR during all this?
He had a collecting leaves for the 4th grade leaf project "date".
I'm assuming he had a good time since evidence of the "date" appeared on Facebook...and he was all smiles.

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