Friday, November 14, 2014

Fashion Fabulous Friday

When I was in school, field day was competitions with ribbons for the winners...and the PTA sold snow cones. If you were wondering, I always won the potato sack race. I actually practiced at home. (Hummm, sounds like somebody I know named Reed.)
The kids have been at a few different schools, and nobody does field day the old school way anymore. Now they just play games.  Dressing up has become a big part of it too.
Reed's class color was purple.
Here's what he wore.

Kyle's was gray, with a team name of The Superstars.

(I did not make this sign.  Some kids brought extras.)

Reed's class got really in to it.

And won the class spirit trophy.

JR's class also won for 5th grade as The Jalapenos (they wore white shirts with giant felt jalapenos pined all over them) but I wasn't allowed to attend 5th grade field day.

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