Saturday, March 16, 2019


Kyle loved his 3 days of diving from "the tower".

He did some amazing things, including this handstand from the 5 meter (16 feet)

Reed even brought his bathing suit and got to see just how hard and scary it is.  He jumped from the 5 meter, but said the 3 meter was "way higher" than he thought it was going to be.  He said he couldn't have jumped from the 7 meter.

Speaking of 7 meter.  Kyle did a backflip off of it. 

And they did more fun synchro things.  Here's one I thought was cool.
(That's Kyle alone on the 5 meter.)

Here's the group picture of the kids from his team that dove this week.

And if you're wondering why it's so fuzzy, they took the picture from the 10 meter, so they looked like this in real life! 

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