Monday, March 18, 2019

Not a Model Camper

Chloe went to "dog camp" while we were on spring break.
She stays with a very cute and sweet young couple that keep dogs as a side business, and they always send pictures.

As you can see, all the other dogs are happily sitting on the bed with each other, but notice Chloe is turned away from them all...and is pretty much pouting that they are on the bed with her. 

They have a baby gate that they put up when they leave the house so all the dogs stay in the kitchen area.  Chloe was having non of that either.  She would climb and jump the gate and go sit herself on the couch in the living room while all the other dogs had to stay in the kitchen.  

Shunning other dogs and jumping baby gates takes a lot out of you, so she was definitely worn out when she got home. 

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