Thursday, September 5, 2019

No to Glasses

As soon as we walked into the eye doctor yesterday the receptionist said, "Hey Kyle!", which should have tipped me off that he was not their normal patient since we haven't been in in a year.

Turns out she remembered him because she said he's the youngest kid she's ever seen able to wear contacts. 

Kyle's eyes have gotten even worse, the doctor said they've gotten worse than what's normal, but not enough to be concerned.  Without his contacts the poor kid can't even read a fast food menu on the wall. 

Jason said before he got Lasik he couldn't see the big E.  So not only does Kyle look and act just like Jason, he sees like him too. 

Kyle left with new contacts to try out for a week, and they were again super impressed with his speed of putting them in. 

You'd think he'd be ok with glasses since he loved them so much when he was little. 

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