Saturday, August 13, 2022

The First

 We had lots of firsts this morning.

It was Reed's first cross country meet of high school, and our first high school sporting event with a competitor...and school hasn't even started yet! 

Reed left the house at 5:30 this morning, but didn't run until 9:30.

I liked how each team had tents to hang out in until it was their race time.

Jason and I hanging at our first meet.

Pre Race

On his workout days, he's been done running for almost 2 hours by 9:30, so it was definitely hotter than he's used to.  Reed also said the course was pretty hard, and we've actually had some rain this week, so it was muddy too. 

He ran in the freshman division and came in 11th (out of 50+ kids) with a time of 13:14 (2 miles).

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