Sunday, January 14, 2024

Kyle Has a Driver's License

 So finally Kyle has a driver's license, but I still believe the DPS hates me.

He passed his back alley $50 private test with flying colors, but I had to wait until Friday to get him back in to the DPS.  On Monday when I took Reed they took the paperwork that the driving center gave us, and asked for his permit.  So if I had I taken this exact same paperwork that Reed needed, we would have left without a license.  But since I know the DPS hates me, I had every piece of paperwork that they could think up to ask for.

They never once asked for Reed's birth certificate.  I had to present Kyle's birth certificate 3 separate times. They also made Kyle pass an eye test (Kyle and Reed both wear contacts). And those of you that know how blind Kyle is know I was holding my breath during that!

 The one thing they never asked for either of them was their proof they are enrolled in school (and this is supposedly a requirement).

Anway, everyone in this house now has a driver's license...except Chloe. 

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