Friday, May 26, 2017

Behind (in more ways than one)

How is it already Friday?  I've been meaning to post all week, but we are still in school and I have the talent show next week.  Just as it did last year, it is totally consuming my life, so I've gotten behind on blogging. 

I was able to break away from talent show duties long enough to go see U2 on Wednesday night.

I'm still not sure how Jason swung it, but his fancy pants self somehow got us backstage passes.

These weren't "hang out with the band" backstage passes, we literally went right behind the stage
Here's what it looks like.

But even better than that, we got to go ON stage before the show.
For someone who has never met a stage she didn't love, this was pretty awesome.
One of my friends actually texted me and said. "I just saw you on the stage!"

Here's what the stage looked like when the show started.

I just wanted to hear their old stuff, which is what they played.
Bono's voice still sounds the same, so it might as well have been 1987...which was perfect.

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