Monday, November 13, 2017

Veteran's Day Assemblies

Kyle, Reed, and JR all had their Veteran's Day assemblies at the same time. 

 Kyle had a speaking part and Reed had a "solo with Sean and 3 other girls" (as he told me), so for the first time in their lives, Kyle and Reed trumped JR in the singing and speaking department.  
(Plus I went to JR's last year and missed theirs.)

I was volunteering in the front office the day before, so I snuck in during Kyle and Reed's rehearsal so I wouldn't have to video during the show and could just enjoy it.

I so wish I had videoed Kyle during the show.  He was hands down-no contest the absolute best speaker in the show.  Much better than in this video.

Reed's group was the finale and they were great! 
As one mom told me. "I kept waiting for them to go off key and they never did! God Bless America is hard."

I also didn't take pictures during the show, but I knew I'd have lots of friends that would. 

My kids refused to wear "collared shirts", so yes, everyone else around them looks so much more presentable.  

Kyle's group

Reed's group

Grandpa Gary and PawPaw were both there and got to stand up and be honored for being veterans of the army.  I missed getting a picture with Grandpa, but here's PawPaw.

And since I have eyes and ears everywhere, I don't feel like I missed a thing from JR's program.

And they really did sound fantastic.
Their patriotic medley was great!

And they have got the National Anthem down!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great videos! I went to a patriotic program for Miles and Bella, both 4th graders. Can't believe all the memorization they did. They sang a song, "Fifty Nifty States"all the states in alphabetical order from Alabama to Wyoming! Really cute!
