Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Big Game

Kyle and Reed are in choir as one of their electives this year so they don't have to take band.  They got put in band (even though they didn't sign up for it) and I was able to get them out by putting them in choir.

They had their first concert last Thursday night, and I feel like I'm an old pro at these since I've been to so many of JR's.

Of course, they can't make it easy on me and put them in the same choir. 

Kyle's choir

Reed standing in the same spot for his choir

As soon as it was over we grabbed some friends, jumped in the car, and raced over to the Memorial/Stratford football game.  (I missed getting to see JR sing the National Anthem with his choir.)

It's absolutely the game of the year.
See how crowded it was even with it being the Astros game 5 against the Rays (which is where Jason was.)

 I sat with my friends behind the Markettes drill team (where else would I want to be?) I saw JR in the student section once, and Kyle and Reed ran around with their friends.  I saw Sean and Kyle once and snapped this picture. 

Memorial won (and the Astros won) so it was a winning kinda night! 

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