Wednesday, October 30, 2019

I Don't Think They did the Hand Jive

So the absolute most important thing about homecoming is what you wear to the dance.  I thought this was only an issue for girls, but I guess guys find it important too.

A few weeks back Jason and I were sitting around and Grease was on the TV.  It happened to be the school dance scene, and about that time Reed and JR walked in.  They both couldn't stop talking about how John Travolta's outfit was the "coolest thing" they had ever seen.  And the conversation ending with JR announcing that he wanted to wear the same thing to homecoming. 

So with John Travolta as our "inspiration", we used what was in his closet and I only had to come up with finding a pink dress shirt. 

I think he looked great.

He went with a group of theater kids who are all seniors.  

Oh, and I made Gina's bouquet.  I think I did pretty good! 

He said they had lots of fun. 

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