Monday, October 28, 2019

The Country Singer and the Disney Princess

This weekend has been one of the busiest on record, but here we are at Monday, and it feels like we can sit and take a breath.

JR and his homecoming date crack me up.  If you ask them what they want to be when they "grow up" they will each tell you with all seriousness- JR: "a country singer"/Gina: "a Disney princess". 

Of course Jason is screaming in the background, "No you're not! You're going to be a lawyer!" and Gina's mom is screaming, "No you're not! You're going to be a petroleum engineer!" 

Questionable career choices on their part aside, the wannabe country singer and Disney princess went to homecoming together this weekend.

On Friday night they both had Singing in the Rain rehearsal until 5:30 (JR is Cosmo Brown to Gina's Lina Lamont) and then JR had to be at the game at 6:15 to sing with the choir, so they did their mum/garter exchange on Thursday.

As you'll notice, the Disney princess got her Disney mum, and the country singer had all kinds of bandanna ribbon in his.

A norther blew in Thursday night, so Friday was downright cold (for us in Texas, anyway).

So here's JR pre football game.

Jason and I went to the game and took the boys with us.
Here are Sean and Reed before the game, Kyle was meeting us there from diving practice.

The choir sang the National Anthem

You can see JR standing with the choir waiting to go on.

And here you can see JR not where he's supposed to be, and talking to a girl.

He did eventually make it out to the field to sing.

We stayed until after the halftime show (JR didn't even stay that long).  The little guys had fun, but were disappointed there weren't enough 6 grade girls there, as they were all at a big volleyball tournament. 

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