Monday, April 25, 2011

Peeps and More

I'm still trying to storyboard my Easter post.
(Don't worry, I don't really storyboard my posts.  I do write them in my head...and that just hasn't happened yet.)
So until I can get it together, here's a picture that
A. Will make my mom happy to see everybody.
B. Has our entire family looking at the camera. (Which so rarely happens.)

I also have this picture of my now famous Peeps Swimming in Blue Jello.
With my cooking issues, I have very few dishes I'm known for.
Saturday afternoon JR asked me if I'd "make the Peeps swimming in blue jello like last year."
Um yeah.  Pretty sure I can handle that one!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the picture! I was happy to see everybody. Looking good, girlie!! MR

Friedt Family said...

What a good lookin' family:-) Love the hat of course!