Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Consider Yourself Celebrated, Earth Day

Soooo, as you can imagine, I was just thrilled when I learned JR's homework would be an Earth Day project instead of his standard math sheet. 
Oh yippee! 
My favorite fake holiday, Earth Day.

He was supposed to make a craft or sculpture out of trash/recycling. 
To be honest, I wasn't that upset about the assignment (I was upset it was in lieu of math, but hey, it's Durango...recycling and Earth Day are of the utmost importance.)
In fact, my mom used to assign "trash art" to her classes.

But here's where I got set off:
1. As a former teacher and daughter of school teacher parents, I'm well aware of a hard and fast rule:
 If a project is sent home, it's for the parents.  Not the kid.
As my mom always says, "If the teacher wanted a kid project, they'd do it at school."
2. This is only a 4 day week, and since the teacher wants it back on Thursday, that means she's expecting us to whip this out in 3 nights.
3. I also don't approve of giving projects that can't be finished over the weekend. 
I've got Jason out of town this week, I'm expecting 85 people at The Cub Scout Blue and Gold Banquet on Wednesday, and we've got activities every night. 
When am I (because remember, that's who she wants it done by) supposed to do this project?

So as I read over the information sheet I thought to myself...
"We're" doing this tonight.
I am not going to the store.
I am not buying supplies to make this. 
"We're" going to make this with what we have in this house!

I went and got 2 empty toilet paper rolls out of the trash, told JR to sit down beside me, and started Googling.

(And on a side note, Thank you Mama and Daddy for all my amazingly, creative projects. Y'all had to do all those with no Internet. I have it way too easy!)

But as JR sat there, staying busy helping, we came up with this.
We used two toilet paper rolls and a cardboard box. 
(And hot glue, of course.)
Done. And Done. 
I'm still not sure if JR's calling it an alligator, a crocodile, or a dragon. 
 And I don't really care.
The important part is JR's really proud of our project.
Way too much green going on in this picture!


Jill said...

I'm incredibly impressed! The words craft or art project make me break out in a cold sweat. Way to go! I'm sure the dragon/dinosaur/crocodile thing will definitely help save the earth!

Shelly said...

Way to go! I'm surprised there's no glitter, but it makes it look more like JR did it. And by the way, that is obviously a Gila Monster. What kind of Texan are you!?! :-)

Anonymous said...

Good job! What a mom! MR

Kimberly Beach said...

I so agree! Most homework is for parents!

After a year of signing sheets that my children read 30 minutes each night, I confessed to the teacher - nope doesn't happen!

But I'm not going to penalize my child and have them brow-beat by a teacher because our schedule precluded 30 minutes of forced reading one night.