Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Olympics According to JR

JR has been watching the Olympics from his homeland and is quite impressed. Here's what he has to say, "I'm going to be on the very tall diving board and I'm going to do a roll in the air. My mommy is going to watch me on TV and it's going to be so awesome. And I'm going to do gymnastics. I'm going to do the bar, and all of them are easy, but some are very hard. I'm going to do the rings, and I'm going to slip out and do a roll and be at the bottom. I'm going to swim and it's going to be a race. It's going to be kind of tricky. When they say JR, you'll see me on TV and I'm going to win. I'm going to win a medal or a trophy, I don't know which I'm going to win. When I'm 100 I can be in the Olympics because they are all adults."


Anonymous said...

I remember when I used to think adults were 100. Looks like there will be a few more years of swim team. Maw maw

Anonymous said...

Yeah JR, everyone is a hundred years old, except the Chinese Girls Gymnastics you guys~emily